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Sous Vide Cassoulet Recipe image

Sous Vide Cassoulet Recipe

According to local wisdom, a last-minute cassoulet is "catastrophic." Cassoulet should be cooked, then cooled, preferably overnight, then cooked and cooled again -- at least three times. Multiple slow simmering's allow the beans to absorb the rich flavors of the sausage and duck confit until they become velvety and plush while still maintaining their shape and integrity. This recipe is ideally made over the course of three to four days, so you'll need to plan ahead.

Sous Vide Great Northern Beans Recipe image

Sous Vide Great Northern Beans Recipe

Sous vide is a great technique to ensure tender, evenly cooked beans that don't burst during the cooking process. These are great in a variety of dishes, blended into a dip, or just eaten on their own.

Sous Vide Garlic Confit Recipe image

Sous Vide Garlic Confit Recipe

This quick and easy preparation yields soft and sweet garlic cloves perfect for sauces, dips, or just spreading straight on crusty bread.

Sous Vide Duck Confit Recipe image

Sous Vide Duck Confit Recipe

This classic and simple to make dish is an essential component in cassoulet. It's also incredibly versatile and can be used in anything from salads to stews and beyond.

Sous Vide Bengali Chicken Recipe image

Sous Vide Bengali Chicken Recipe

While it looks like a lot of ingredients, this recipe is actually quite simple at its core. Cooking the thighs sous vide in the super flavorful and aromatic sauce produces perfectly tender and juicy chicken that's sure to impress.

Sous Vide Steelhead with Lemon Pesto Mayo Recipe image

Sous Vide Steelhead with Lemon Pesto Mayo Recipe

This simple and fast recipe was part of our Regional Cuisine showcase and highlights the fresh fish that's abundant in Chelsea's hometown in the Pacific Northwest!

Sous Vide Octopus with Chimichurri Recipe image

Sous Vide Octopus with Chimichurri Recipe

With sous vide, you can be guaranteed you'll have perfectly tender octopus every time! Not only is it healthy and DELICIOUS, but it's a real show-stopper when you want to cook to impress.

Sous Vide Grapefruit Gimlet Recipe image

Sous Vide Grapefruit Gimlet Recipe

If you love the bright taste of grapefruit and want to enjoy it with some floral gin then this sous vide grapefruit gimlet is exactly what you are looking for. It is a simple to make but complex tasting cocktail that combines a sous vide grapefruit cordial with some gin and is served over ice. The cordial packs a huge citrus punch that makes this drink leap out of the glass.

Sous Vide Mint Julep Recipe image

Sous Vide Mint Julep Recipe

The takes a classic cocktail and uses sous vide to kick it up a notch! The sous vide mint julep comes out brighter and cleaner than when done traditionally and if packed full of minty goodness. Plus the sous vide mint syrup can be stored for a few weeks and used in a variety of other cocktails.

How to Sous Vide Sirloin Steak Recipe and Guide image

How to Sous Vide Sirloin Steak Recipe and Guide

Sirloin steaks are one of my favorite everyday steaks, because they're not that expensive and they're filled with great beefy flavor and light marbling. Especially when you use sous vide, you can tenderize them a little bit, and it turns them into an even better cut of meat.

Sous Vide Squash Recipe Pickled and Pureed  image

Sous Vide Squash Recipe Pickled and Pureed

This sous vide squash is quick pickled using the sous vide process to speed up the pickling process. It's then pureed in one of two ways to create the perfect side for many upscale meals, especially James Briscione's sous vide Venison.

Sous Vide Pork Tenderloin with Spiced Apples and Corn Salsa Recipe image

Sous Vide Pork Tenderloin with Spiced Apples and Corn Salsa Recipe

This is one of my favorite sous vide pork tenderloin recipes with sweet and spicy glazed apples with a side of corn salsa and some fresh herbs, it always impresses!

Sous Vide Blueberry Lavender Panna Cotta Recipe image

Sous Vide Blueberry Lavender Panna Cotta Recipe

Blueberry and lavender are a classic combination and this dish uses them in a sous vide infused cream, and a sous vide panna cotta. It's complex and delicious!

Lamb Burger with Garlic Rosemary Aioli Recipe image

Lamb Burger with Garlic Rosemary Aioli Recipe

This sous vide lamb burger is an amazing combination of flavorful lamb with a garlic aioli. It's all rounded out with some feta cheese and tomato slices. It's the perfect way to make the best lamb burger you've even cooked!

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